Keep Your Cartridges Roaring With Wulf Mods

It was on an especially dark and spooky night when you had seemingly done everything correctly - charged your vape, picked your favorite cart, and even brought a snack in case you got hungry like the Wulf after your session - when you went for your first hit of the session only to find out calamity had struck!
Instead of a hit of luscious vapor, you were instead greeted with a painfully strained or completely clogged mess of a cartridge let down. Left vapor-less and let down, it is in this time of disaster that a Wulf has emerged to tell you everything you need to know about fixing your cartridges and getting them back to tip top shape!
That’s right this story is officially leaping off the page and giving you some expert Wulf Mods tips on how to tell if your cartridge is malfunctioning, how to fix it, and finally how to prevent the issues from forming to begin with.
The Basics
Starting off we just wanted to say that before you assume your cartridge is clogged, it is good to first rule out all of the mechanical issues that may be occurring.
All you have to do is make sure your vaporizer is completely charged, your cartridge correctly attached, and visually inspect the cartridge for any physical damage.
This is important as many common cartridge issues can be attributed to these issues. Should you however notice any physical damage on your cartridge it’s very important you stop hitting it as you don’t want broken glass and spilled oil in your pocket.
How Do You Tell Your Cart Isn’t Hitting Right?
To answer the most basic of questions, you should know that something is wrong with your cartridge when it is hard to pull from, the flavors are off, or you can’t draw from it at all.
The “symptoms” of a clogged cartridge can be a mixture of these and if you encounter them you should immediately stop hitting it in order to fix the issue before it gets any worse! The last thing you want to do is lose out on an expensive cartridge because you ignored the warning signs.
For dual cartridge vaporizers like our Recon 4G, you are going to have to check both the left and right sides to see if there is a clog with either one. This is important because you don’t want one hitting, while the other is just stuck!
Why Is My Cart Barely Hitting?
Now that we know what to expect, the issue moves onto why. Well the answer to that is slightly more complicated that what to expect from a malfunctioning cart because there are just a plethora of ways that things can go awry.
Some common reasons why your cartridge isn’t hitting well can be attributed to the simple scientific realities of oil as a substance. Because we are heating and then cooling the oils, this can result in them hardening around its ports and preventing air flow internally.
Small clogs can be expounded by user errors such as allowing the build up for dirt, leaving the cart on its side, or just not using it for an extended period of time.

How Do Colder Temperatures Affect Vapes?
As opposed to the problems that you have more control over, another issue that can arise if you live in a colder climate is that in colder and freezing temperatures your cartridge can become completely clogged.
To avoid this we recommend simply keeping your vaporizer inside where the head is or but using your natural body heat to keep it warm on the go! This is really easy by just keeping it in your coat but by doing this you are significantly reducing your chances of experiencing frozen, sludgy, or clogged oil.
Colder temperatures can also cause your battery to drain faster, so always make sure you keep your charger nearby when you start seeing your own breath in the air!
How Do You Fix A Vape Cart That Won’t Hit?
Onto what to do when all else fails, your clog has materialized, and you need to get that thing out of there to get back to your cloud enjoyment! Luckily for you there are several tricks in this Wulf’s book to help you easily and quickly get that nasty clog squared away.
Inhaling - This method of mixing your cart is rather intuitive, all you have to do is take a draw from your cartridge like normal until the clog within your piece pulls through.
Blowing - Remove your cartridge from your vaporizer and blow through the mouthpiece to see if any materials come out. You can try blowing from either end and while you are looking down their do a visual inspection to see if there is anything clogged or built up.
Heating - If pulling from it strongly isn’t cutting it, try to hold down the power briefly to heat your oil. This can cause the clog to soften and become easier to blow or suck out. Sometimes using the preheating setting can work for this, just be careful to only do that once as you do not want to overheat a clogged cart.
Cleaning - This is where you fully clean both your cartridge and your pen. For your cartridge try using a spall scraping tool to see if there is any material you can remove physically. Be careful around internal components, but this is a great way to get things unstuck from your cartridge mouthpiece.
Prevention - Check out our Wulf Wipes to give your carts a daily or weekly wipe down. By stopping the grime at the start you are putting yourself ahead of the problem.

Howl Like a Wulf!
Cartridge vaporizing is one of the most convenient, fun, and modern ways for you to enjoy your oils while on the go. That’s why if you ever should come upon any issues with your cart, come back to this guide to give yourself the insights needed to keep on roaring!
Wulf Mods is here for all of your vaporizing needs, so please reach out to us if you have any burning questions and make sure to check out the rest of our postings over at the Official Wulf Blog right here.